Your way to us:

A1 from the direction of Bremen
Exit No. 88 Hagen-West, turn left onto the B 226 in the direction of Wetter, after about 1 km turn left toward Wetter-Wengern, follow the street around 6 km follow, turn left into Humboldtstraße immediately after the road sign for Wengern and then take an immediate left where you will find the entrance to the stawett-company grounds.

A1 from the direction of Cologne
Exit No. 89 Volmarstein, turn left in the direction of Wetter, after around 1km take the roundabout and turn right toward Wetter, after around  1km take the roundabout right in the direction of Wetter, drive through the Volmarstein neighbourhood, turn left toward Wengern in front of the bridge after around 3 km. Immediately after the road sign for Wengern turn left on to Humboldtstraße and then immediately left you will find the entrance to the stawett-company grounds.

Outline Map

Detailed Map